Renault Zoe

DAB Radio Add-on

A DAB radio became standard equipment in Renault Zoe's from 2016. On older models, there was a Renault accessory/aftermarket add-on made by AutoDAB. The purpose of this page is to provide the operating information and the user manual of this add-on DAB unit to owners of older Zoe''s as often the instructions are missing.

AutoDAB interface introduction

The AutoDAB unit fitted to the Renault Zoe is part no. 7711599373.

This DAB receiver uses the vehicle's audio controls behind the steering wheel and transmits the DAB radio on an FM signal, to integrate it into the R-Link display. The unit comprises of a stick on antenna, usually mounted on the passenger side of the windscreen and a control unit hidden in the dash.

DAB channel preset as station 6, currently playing LBC DAB station

(even though it still shows as DAB off)

DAB radio antenna mounted on windscreen

Using the AutoDAB

All the controls of the AutoDAB unit are via the audio buttons behind the steering wheel. Personally, I don't find it particularly user friendly, but study the video and user guide below for the full details on how to operate the DAB unit.

AutoDAB video user guide

Download AutoDAB user manual

AutoDAB installation guide

AutoDAB installation kit